Creeps of the Day


After being unpleasantly surprised by his friends for his birthday party, this creep accidentally pissed his pants and hid under a booth table until coaxed out by the promise of a karate lessons and new tevas.

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Creep of the Week

And the winner is.....


A lesson to be learned by all of our Creepyface followers, taking creepy pictures at a wedding is like fishing in a barrel. This wedding Groupie saw the moment, made a terrible face, and ruined another picture. By my count it's....

Creepypeople: 5
Wedding Albums: 0

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Creeps of the Day

Family Portrait

Both parents were very proud of their son. Not for his ability to put on his Velcro tuxedo shoes all by himself, or the way he screamed like a old woman whenever water dribbled down his chin, but for his ability to flash his beautiful smile whenever the cameras came out for pictures.

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Creeps of the Day

The Train Wreck

Not that there's any semblance to this picture, but it's pretty amazing that everyone is doing something completely different, albeit equally retarded looking.

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Creeps of the Day

The Slide-Stepper

Found commonly in the Macarena and Electric Slide, the "slide-step" can also be used to ruin potentially nice pictures, as demonstrated here by this drunk wedding creepo.

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