Boat Beast
Shortly after this picture was taken they wrestled the Creepy pale merman to the ground, sliced him up, and used him for bait.Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
Lardo Eduardo
Blue Steel"What is this? A center for ants? How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read... if they can't even fit inside the building?"
Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
El Capitan
Cleavland Rocks!
Who is the biggest creep in this picture?a) Ted Allen in a pink shirtb) Obsessed fan with lockjawc) Man in blue shirt vomiting in his pants d) Axe murderer with constipated stare (back right)Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
Sgt. Mustache
Man sniffing gasoline bursts into flames after being Tasered Analysis:
Moral of the story: Always remember to lubricate (marinate) yourself in duck sauce before sniffing any flammable substances...just in case.
Creepy Scale:
Creepy Stories of the Day,
Sgt. Mustache
Stay Away From The DarknessThis is what you see when you take peyote at a road-side arts & crafts shop in El Paso that's run by a mother daughter combo hellbent on spreading their witchcraft. Or maybe that was just my experience...Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
El Capitan
Creepy 80's Bonanza SpectacularIs this...a) A realistic interpretation of how people dressed in the 80'sb) A realistic interpretation of Charles Manson's idea of "the future"c) The last photo taken before the person on the left (red headband) had a makeover, got breast implants, and changed their name to Brittney SpearsCreepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
Doctor Creepshow