Creeps of the Day

Quite the Looker

Sometimes, after several dozen beers, it's not longer necessary to sneak a peak at some cleavage. No more saying, "oh I was scanning the crowd and just happened to look down your turtleneck," or, "oh I was just checking out that cool necklace you have on - is that white gold?"

No - you just do what this guy is doing, you dive right in, because you know what? You only live once, so who gives a shit if you look like you're trying to burn those boobies into your brain like it's made of carbon paper?

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Creeps of the Day

Running Up On You

Guess who's had one too many Pabst's?



If you said the guy with his arms around the girls, you are correct. Seven minutes after this photo was taken, he stripped naked and shit in a potted plant.

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