Creepy Fan Mail

This site is less than a week old - in it's infancy days you could say - but we've received one piece of an abundance of fan mail in response to the pictures we've posted thus far on the site. So, since we're in a gloating mood, we decided to share it with you. The letter has been sic'd, if only to appease my OCD.

Enjoy the lapping.


I just wanted to let you know how truly proud I am of you guys for making the site of all sites. No longer do I have to cower in the corner when my mom yells at me for ruining pictures; there's now a forum out there for me to express my inner and outter creep. I feel proud and honored to even have a picture be considered for placement on the wall of fame. What many people think is, these faces are purposely made. But truth be told, when I hear 'cheese', or I see a red light go on on a camera, something inside gets peculating, and whatever comes out is pure and unadulterated content. Some may cringe and say things, but honestly they are just hatorade-drinking jealots who wish they had the same enthusiasm, emotion and pure creep in them as some of us do. So I salute you guys for your valiant efforts. May the creep be with you and also with you!

CIT (creep in training)
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