Creeps of the Day

The Blurred Creep

It's not the photo that's out of focus, it's your eyes protecting you from the devastation caused by the grossness of this creep's contorted face. Thank your pupils. Maybe you can thank them by looking at some hardcore pornography? It may help - just a thought.

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Creeps of the Day

Cross-eyed Creepypants

The guy in black:

a) Is a homicidal maniac
b) Went crosseyed after watching too many japanese anime films
c) Has an alarmingly large sticker collection

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Creeps of the Day

I Have Nipples Greg, Can You Milk Me?

Now, the face is in perfect order to trash the photo, but the appearance of leaked nipples is the cherry on top of the sundae.

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Creepy Daily Videos

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Creeps of the Day

Bad Shot Creepo

After this picture was taken, the girl on the left:

a) Vommited her tequila shot all over the room
b) Opened her mouth and a frightened bird flew out
c) Went on a violent, tequila-induced rampage and started punching everyone in the genitals

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Creeps of the Day

Revenge of the No Neck Creep

Another version of the "No Neck" creep, albeit slightly altered. This creep does a magnificent job of sinking his chin to the point where it looks like he may be able to lick his own chest hair, if the mood strikes.

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Creeps of the Day

No Salvation Creep

This is one of those photos that, for a split second, had the potential to be a keeper - maybe you put it in a nice silver frame, maybe you tack it to your wall at work and it makes you smile as you reminisce about the night, maybe you give it to Mom on her birthday...But with one smooth move, all those options went out the window, thanks to the slack-jawed weirdo on the right. Brav-fucking-o, sir.

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Creeps of the Day

Horizontal Head Swiveliing Creep

I'm not sure if this girls head and face is made out of rubber or some other flexible material, but this one is impressive. And by "impressive", I mean that I genuinenly feel uncomfortable.

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Creeps of the Day

Double Dragon Creep Attack

Sweet Moses. This picture is absolutely hideous. What could possibly be going on here? My best guess: Right after this picture was taken, the two weirdos ran into the corner and started eating all off the garbage in the bar. Yes yes, that's exactly what happened
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Creeps of the Day

Jesus Butt Creep

Cameraman: "Hmm. I like the pose but it needs something else"
Cameraman's friend: "How bout if we put Jesus in the picture?"
Cameraman: "Bingo!"
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Daily Creepy Stories

Man Marries Dog Analysis:

How does anyone know if the dog is consenting to this marriage? Give it a biscuit and you could get this dog to marry a a homeless man's pair of underwear
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Creeps of the Day

Under Pressure

"Hahaha, yeah! Yeah, let's take a picture. Oh my God, I'm sooooo wasted. Are you wasted? Oh my God, I'm sooooo wasted. C'mon look this way, it's picture time, it's pic...OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIS HEAD? IT LOOKS LIKE IT'S GOING TO EXPLODE! IS IT GOING TO FUCKING EXPL- ...HOLY SHIT! IT EXPLODED! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE!"
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Creeps of the Day

Sibling Awkwardness

This picture is pretty bizarre. I can't remember a picture with two people looking genuinely more uncomfortable with each other. I think the only thing which could've made this photo even stranger, was to throw in the creep in the back who looks like he's been smoking meth for the past 10 hours. Well done.
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