Site Update

If you haven't noticed yet (or you're like me and have a shitty internet browser that blocks out anything cool, including but not limited to: pornography, guns, karate films, mustaches, and pirates) we here at have implemented a rating system for each of our submitted photos. Now, instead of only us deciding who the "Creep of the Week" is, your incessant clicking of the mouse will help determine who the biggest creep is!

Feel free to cheer about your inclusion into something meaningful...

And who doesn't like to rate things? I say, Communists. And maybe Hipsters too.

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Creeps of the Day

Floating Cowboy Head

I don't know what's weirder - the floating head complete with goatee and Dallas BBQ stock cowboy hat, or singing karaoke in your backyard?

If I was the neighbor, it'd be piss-water-balloon-time for sure.

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Creeps of the Day

Creepy Mash-Up

Screw the three creepy faces, the rose/cheetah shirt, the Gilligan hat, and the guy with dirt all over his shirt...Phillip Banks is chilling the fuck out in the background!

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Creeps of the Day

The Living Dead


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Creeps of the Day

Nuptial Creeping

Surrounded by flowers, music, food and joy, this man just couldn't contain his inner-creep any longer, so he decided to let it loose and force all the other guests to retreat to the band box in order to avoid his moaning, weeping and violent projectile vomiting.

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Daily Creepy Stories

20 Best Movie Mustaches Analysis:

We were looking for something to honor the Creep of the Week. We rummaged through a bunch of articles and stumbled upon this gem. Normally this article might not have made the cut, but once we saw the Sean Connery picture in the movie 'Zardoz', we couldn't resist. It's like James Bond took on a nasty cocaine and malt liqueur addiction and started hooking on street corners in the future. Hmmm, that's actually not a bad movie plot.

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Creeps of the Day

Illin Creep

I'd be sick too if I had to stare at Giants jacket-piping after drinking several watered-down pitchers of domestic bliss.

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Creep of the Week

And the Winner is............

Huckleberry Creep

Mustaches have been known as the main source of all things unholy in the world today. This picture is no exception. Accompanied by a parting of the hair, only rivaled by Moses' parting of the red seas, this mustache has many uses. This includes frightening young children, catching boogers, and winning Creep of the Week.

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Creeps of the Day

Let's Get Physical

Normally, creeping is a non-physical move. But sometimes...sometimes you gotta' flip it on them, and just stir shit up.

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Creeps of the Day

Skinny Tongue Creep

Don't interpret this the wrong way, but this creep clearly has super powers. At the sight of a camera she immediately transforms herself into an Asian woman with arthritis. We are told that after this picture was taken she was found hiding under the table picking her boyfriends nose with her crooked pinky.

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Creeps of the Day

POV Attack

When looking for a photo to ruin, always search for the two girls (or guys, if you're in Chelsea) hugging and attempting to take a double self-portrait, simply because there's no one behind the lens to tell them that some asshole is standing behind them, dry-heaving and fake-crying.

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