Creep of the Day

The Return of the Hipster

This hipster walked around in his skinny jeans for twelve more minutes, ruining photo after photo, then returned to his studio in Soho to drink micro-brewed beer and cut himself with a shard of broken glass while listening to the B-sides of his new Vampire Weekend imported LP.

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Creeps of the Day

Unidentified Super Fan

Crowded bar, Rey Mysterio Jr. mask, t-shirt...this man deserves a cookie.

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Daily Creepy Stories

Top 10 Dubious Toys (via Analysis:

We're not sure what we like more: Barbie's pregnant friend or the doll of a homeless girl. Either one of them must be best seller. I mean, what little girl doesn't want to play with homeless people while they console their pregnant teenage friend?

(fart noise)

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