Creeps of the Day

Intense Creep

I have a feeling this isn't the first time this guy took a picture with an unlit cig in his mouth (looks way too comfortable). Now while we encourage props, this creep is straight up scaring the shit out of people. Oh, and I'm pretty sure red shirt is peeing on his leg.
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Daily Creepy Videos

Best Creep Out/Freak Out Ever Analysis:

I don't see anything wrong with this meltdown. Personally, I would probably react the same exact way if I was stripped of my World of Warcraft privileges (hair whip)
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Creeps of the Day

Creep to the Rescue

Girl: "I'm like having SO much fun on our date!"

Guy: "Like, me too, lets totally take a picture!"

Random Creep: Saves the day, the picture, and takes home the hottest girl in the bar (good things come to those who creep)
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Creeps of the Day

Wedding Ruiner

What do you get when you combine a big wedding, an open bar, a couple trays of mini hotdogs, an Aerosmith cover band and a huge creep?

Answer: This picture
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Random Creepiness

Google Street View: Always a Surprise view! (click me) Dramatic Re-enactment:

Guy #1 : "Ok, no one is around - we can finally have our sword battle"

Guy #2: "Wait a minute, is that a camera on that Google car? Do you think it's taking a picture?"

Guy #1: "I swear to gd you better stop your f*cking crying Ronnie and defend yourself you little bitch!"
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Creeps of the Day

Creepy Rebel

Some like to make "the tough guy face", some like to make "the pucker face" (I hear to accentuate the cheek bones), and others just like to creep the shit out of everything good in life (don't worry, you're not alone).
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Daily Creepy Stories

Prostitute Paid with Box of Frito-Lays Dramatic Re-enactment:

Prostitute: (while leaning over car window) "Hey baby, in the mood for some lovin?"
Frito-Lays man: "Depends sweetheart. You in the mood for some delicious corn chips?"
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Creeps of the Day

Naked Creep Looking For True Love

This nudist loves Pinot Noir, shaving her armpits with a butter knife, screaming at little children, and chewing tobacco.
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Creeps of the Day

Vacation Creepo

2 Tickets to Hawaii with your girlfriend: $1400

2 Pina Coladas on the beach and a pig roast dinner: $25

1 Giant creep sneaking into your picture and giving you a look like he's going to kill your whole family: Priceless
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Creeps of the Day

International Creeps

This guy went to Honduras on a mission. After ripping his sleeves off, and doing 3 sets of 20 pushups in the hotel bathroom, he went straight to the zipline course and creeped the shit out of this poor girls once in a life time photograph.
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