These girls are the only thing keeping this guy standing while he gives his sister the open mouth hug-kiss.
Creepy Scale:
Creep of the Day,
Lardo Eduardo
This man's reaction is just one reason why you should never pester the local bar drunk for a quick photo op. Oh, and because he bites. Not nips, bites. And he hasn't had a tetanus shot since 1987. So just stay the fuck away from him and enjoy your Mich Ultra alone, okay?
Creepy Scale:
Creep of the Day,
El Capitan
It's Raining Men
Have you ever wondered what lies inside your local gay bar? Thanks to some stellar investigative reporting we were able to catch a glimpse of the studliest manwhore on the planet. After this picture was taken he gave the man in black a 20 minute chest massage for a chicken McNugget.
Creepy Scale:
Creep of the Day,
Sgt. Mustache