Rollerblading WeirdoSometimes being creepy is just a natural thing. It's all about timing and the waiting game. So next time have patience. Wait for a friend, or random weirdo, to put on a helmet and rollerblade topless in a public park before snapping the lens.Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
Doctor Creepshow
The 3 CreepoteersWhat in the world is going on here? a) An awful fart has hovered over the bar, prompting one creepo to wear sunglasses to avoid burning the eyesb) Girl on the right has been vomitting since her breakfast of spoiled milk and kitkat barsc) "Ok girls, pose. If we don't win Creep of the Week then I''m gonna upper-decker your apartment"Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
Doctor Creepshow
Return of the Creep of the WeekLook familiar? Last week's Creep of the Week has graced our pages with another gem. He even provided us with a post to share with our viewers:"Thanks for the award. Want candy? Need a babysitter?" Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
Doctor Creepshow
Crouching Weirdo, Hidden DragonIf all of your creative attempts to come up with new creepfaces fail, don't be afraid to revert back to the wildlife. As you can see here, this psychologically disturbed weirdo has made a great creepyface by posing as a dragon/dinosaur creature.Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
Doctor Creepshow
Instant Karma Analysis:
I more than respect this creeps determination to ruin an annoying nerds video. Despite his horrific getaway, he still has a home here at Lookout nerds, payback is a bitch!
Creepy Scale:
Creepy Videos of the Day,
Sgt. Mustache
Blending in Like Smooth VermouthBecause who wouldn't notice a 6'2'' man with a pencil-thin mustache when contemplating which pictures to order from Kodak Gallery?Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
El Capitan
Robot Baby Spits Analysis:We can only imagine that this is a preventative step for teenage pregnancy. Think about it. Your a lonely teenager, thinking about experimenting with sex. Then the thought pops into your head: "Hmmm, this could lead to me giving birth to a robot baby who will breathe fire and engulf me in flames". Result: ContraceptivesCreepy Scale:
Creepy Stories of the Day,
Doctor Creepshow
Where's Creepy Waldo?
This one is pretty easy - Waldo and friend are standing right in front of you, shitting their pants!Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
Lardo Eduardo

The Old Man and the Open ShirtThe older you get, the more buttons on the shirt come undone. It's not an opinion - it's a fact. Oh, and don't forget to start wearing a bright-red belt to hold up those Wranglers...Creepy Scale:
Creeps of the Day,
El Capitan