Daily Creepy Stories

World's Strongest Vagina!

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This is like one of those things that is absolutey awful and intriguing at the same time. Like I want to see this woman pick up my tv with her vagina, but I'd probably be projectile vommiting the whole time.

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Creeps of the Day

Robot Creep Shirt

What's creepier in this picture? The weirdo in the back who looks like he's a robot or the other guys shirt that says "I Love Cab"?

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Creeps of the Day

Pixelated Creep

Here's what I want to know: Why do the two girls in front look normal, but the guy in the back looks like The Predator right before he turns invisible and blows off Apollo Creed's arm?

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Creeps of the Day

That Kind of Drunk

I like to think these girls are at the level of inebriation where the free-flowing tears start for no reason and then they begin to tell anyone who will listen why each song being played by the DJ/band is actually about their life...And then they barf into a potted fern and have to be escorted out by a surly maitre d'.

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Daily Creepy Videos

The Hampster Stole My Daughter

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Be weary of fury hampster pets. They will kidnap you. And they will kill you.

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Creeps of the Day

Freddy Got Fingered

Who wouldn't be this excited to stand next to Tom Green? I know I would probably have a nervous breakdown just being in the presence of this comedic genius.

And guess what? You too can have the chance to stand next to Tom Green, just like this lucky fellow. He's normally outside of Penn Station weekdays from 9am-6pm, begging for spare change or offering to play "Brown Sugar" on a garbage can lid.

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Creeps of the Day

Pure Evil Eyes

Lurking in the depths of a girl's night out photo is "Evil Eyes", waiting for you to go to the bathroom to fix your makeup so she can steal your cell phone and text everyone in your phonebook: "I have diarrhea!"

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Creeps of the Day


Forget about the two weirdos on the right, and the disembodied hook-em-horns floating in the back - I am in awe of this gentleman's finely-crafted beard. He must have used one of those old-school razors to shape it up, you know, the kind of razor that pimp's use to scar their bitches when they hold back money.

...His fancy man glass filled with tasty Margarita looks pretty dank too.

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Creeps of the Day

The Third Wheel Creep

This guy looks about as comfortable as a fat kid doing jumping jacks. Thank goodness this creep snuck in and ruined the picture.

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