Creeps of the Day


What do you do when your deathly afraid of having your photo taken? Well, you do what this guy on the right did: close your eyes tight, as tight as possible, and tell yourself "this isn't happening"
over and over until it's actually over and you can vomit freely into your coat pocket.

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Creeps of the Day

Three's Company

If two out of three people look like they belong in Grand Central Terminal break-dancing on cardboard and begging for Dunkin Donuts crumbs, does this mean the third person is the better person? I think not. But then again, I have break-danced for money...hey, when you got it, you got it, sister...

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Creep of the Month

and the winner is.....

Dr. CreepyLove Says:

For all you ladies out there, just remember that the way to man's heart is by feeding him sandwiches for hours and then tickling him in the chest until he breaks out into hysterical laughter and then vomits on everyone around him. That's how you'll know you won him over.

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Daily Creepy Stories

Google Amazingness (click on image or follow these easy steps)

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Type I Like within the search bar

Step 3: Read options within drop down menu
Step 4: Realize you are not the only person interested in becoming a dinosaur
Step 5: Buy scotch tape
Step 6: Bite the head off of your sisters Barbie Doll

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